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Welcome to Scandinavia’s leading packaging fair. Over the course of four dynamic days, top brand owners, packaging buyers, and suppliers will converge to explore the latest advancements in packaging design, materials, and production techniques
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Join AION's own Webinar - Winning The Circular Economy Game - Scalable Circular Solutions for Plastics with Financial and Environmental Impact

The Plastics Recycling Show Europe is THE dedicated exhibition, conference and awards for plastics recycling in mainland Europe.
AION is this year nominated in 2 categories and will be present at the two day event.
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This year the EIF turns 30 years (b)old. Join us to celebrate our achievements over the past decades through the lens of the small businesses we have financed.
10 - 11th of June
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There is growing demand for supply chains to adopt sustainable practices. The Sustainable Supply Chain Exhibition will offer a focused environment for logistics, supply chain, and sustainability professionals to share ideas, offer solutions, and help each other on their sustainable journeys.
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AION celebrates B Corp Month 2024! As March unfolds, so does the celebration of B Corp Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the impact of B Corporations worldwide.
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S-CONNECT og ESG People inviterer til et frokostseminar der vi fokuserer på hvordan man kan lykkes med bærekraftig omstilling, lønnsomhet og vekst gjennom å jobbe med styret, markedet og finansielle interesser.
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Reduce Reuse Recycle! For å bidra til å skape en bærekraftig fremtid, må vi legge ned innsats i hvordan vi utvikler og produserer våre produkter.
AION vil presentere på årets fransk-norske dag med tema: «Mot en sirkulær økonomi». Circular Norway en av samarbeidspartnerne om årets konferanse som arrangeres i regi av Det fransk-norsk handelskammeret (CCFN)
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Nosca Clean Ocean og Marine Recycling cluster inviterer til Clean Oceans Arena. Her samler de aktører som representerer hele verdikjeden fra utstyrsprodusenter til gjenvinningsaktører innen marin plast. Spennende foredragsholdere fra inn- og utland vil komme for å snakke om hvordan vi kan sikre renere hav.
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Begrepet sirkulær økonomi har blitt mer håndgripelig for de fleste. I noen deler av næringslivet testes det ut nye muligheter for verdiskaping innenfor de sirkulære forretningsmodellene
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New Wave: Nordic Circular Tech DemoDay on the 9th of February at RE Gründerhus i Asker.
Meet key circular corporates, other startups, politicians, investors and join us for the next leap of circular solutions!

Oslo kommune har samarbeidet med oppstartsbedriftene GRIN og AION i prosjektet "Take away uten throw away", hvor Oslo kommune ønsket å teste nye løsninger for å stoppe tilførselen av plast til miljøet og ut i Oslofjorden.
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AION will on 19 and 20 October 2022 be present at Responsible Packaging EXPO as a part of The Food Entrepreneur Show, at ExCel London. One of the largest events for the HORECA and hospitality industries.
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Arendalsuka er en viktig arena for næringsliv, politikk og bærekraft. AION er tilstede på Arendalsuka på flere scener og med ulike aktører, der vi vil bidra med vårt tankelederskap innen sirkulære forretningsmodeller.
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Seafood Expo Global is the world’s largest seafood trade event. Buyers, suppliers, media, and other seafood professionals from 150 countries* visit the exposition. Attendees come to meet with existing suppliers, source new products and network with other industry professionals.
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AION was present at McDonald's Corporation Worldwide Convention 2022, in Orlando, Florida. More than 12,000 McDonald’s franchisees, suppliers, crew members and employees from the #McFamily from across the globe came together.
Susie Jahren, Chief Circular Product Officer at AION by Aker BioMarine, will be presenting at the Greenplast conference at Fiera Milano SpA, Thursday 5 May.
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